Informativa sui Cookie

Duediuno, registered in the business register of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Rome (registration number in the register: 02899260901 of 01/31/2022), with registered office in via Guido Reni, 32 - Rome, pursuant to and for effects of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, provides its readers with all the useful and necessary information so that they can provide their personal data in a conscious and informed manner and, at any time, request and obtain clarifications and/or corrections. The information concerns only the site and not other websites that may be consulted by the user via specific links.

The terms "personal data" refer to the definition contained in article 4, point 1) of the regulation, i.e. " any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more elements characteristic of his or her physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social ” (hereinafter the “personal data”).

In this regard, this document aims to provide, in a simple and intuitive way, all the useful and necessary information so that the user can be informed in an informed manner about the use and processing of their personal data carried out by the so-called " Cookies”, which are defined below:

portions of code consisting of text strings sent by a site's web server to a computer that surfs the Internet through a browser and is able to save this data on the computer itself.

By default, in almost all Internet browsers, Cookies are automatically saved on the user's terminal and are divided according to their nature and purpose:

  • Session cookies : they expire and are automatically deleted when the browser session ends. They are used to save the preferences or actions of each user between the start and end of a web browser session.
  • Permanent cookies : they are stored on a user's device between browser sessions, for variable periods of time and allow the preferences or actions of each user with respect to a website to be stored. They do not allow profiling, but are convenient for certain automations relating to the main user of a terminal.
  • Technical cookies : these are those used for the sole purpose of making connection to the network possible. The prior consent of users is not required for sending and storing these cookies.
  • Profiling cookies : they are aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the internet.

A site that uses these profiling cookies is obliged to report their presence through a banner, an overlay or a window that is clearly visible on the home page. The user, for his part, must understand this mechanism of action and can express consent to the use of Cookies in a general manner, by interacting with the basic information system or it can be provided or denied selectively, according to the methods of indicated below. A record of this consent is kept on subsequent visits. However, the User always has the possibility to revoke all or part of the consent already expressed.

Subdivision of technical cookies

  • Browsing cookies , through which browsing preferences can be saved and possibly optimize the user's browsing experience.
  • Cookies for statistical analysis , including third-party cookies, through which statistical information is acquired regarding users' browsing methods. This information is processed in an aggregate and anonymous form and, due to this anonymisation, does not allow user profiling.
  • Functional cookies , including third-party ones, used to activate specific functions and necessary to provide the service or improve it.

As already specified, these Cookies, being of a technical nature, do not require prior consent to be installed and used.

Proprietary cookies and third-party cookies

A Cookie is proprietary or "first party" if it is activated and managed by the site owner. For these Cookies, the obligation to provide information, obtain consent and/or allow the possible blocking of Cookies lies with the site owner. Third-party Cookies are Cookies set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. For these Cookies, the obligation to provide information and indicate the methods for possible consent and/or blocking of Cookies lies with third parties, while the owner of the site is only obliged to insert links to the sites of the company on the site. third parties where such elements are available.

For detailed information in this regard, we recommend consulting the respective privacy policies of the services offered, within which it will be possible to receive all the information on the relevant processing and deny consent in this regard.

Some of the services indicated below may use Cookies to identify the user and display personalized advertisements based on the user's interests and online behavior, even outside the pages of this site:

  • Google Ads (Alphabet): Google AdSense is an advertising service provided by Google LLC that tracks user behavior in relation to advertisements, products and services offered. The user can decide at any time not to use the Google AdSense (DFP) Cookie ensuring its deactivation .
  • Advanced Ads : Advanced Ads is a service provided by Webgilde Gmb. Here you can find all the information on privacy.

The website also uses third-party cookies for purely statistical purposes, i.e., for example, to know the number of pages viewed and the number of unique users, or to understand how users interact with the contents (including advertising) present on sites and mobile applications.

Furthermore, the website uses cookies from the most popular social networks.

It is possible to consult the Privacy Policy and express your preferences regarding the cookies of the third parties with which Sand ssd a rl has entered into agreements for the provision of advertising based on the information collected through cookies, by connecting directly to the CMP (Consent Management Platform or Consent Management Platforms).

Some cookies, however, are installed on the owner's or manager's website even independently of direct agreements with partners and suppliers who join the CMP platform adopted by To find out what all the third-party cookies are on your device, you can also refer to the site YourOnlineChoices . Many companies that generate cookies on third-party sites, in fact, offer the possibility of deactivating and/or inhibiting only their own cookies in a simple and immediate way, even when these are anonymous, i.e. they do not involve the recording of personal identification data, in compliance with the provisions by Network Advertising Initiative.

You can also remove existing cookies and block the installation of new cookies through your browser settings.

If users/visitors want to decide from time to time whether or not to accept cookies, they can also configure their browser to generate a warning every time a cookie is saved.

This Cookie Policy may undergo changes over time – also connected to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations – for which we invite users to periodically consult this page.

Since the installation of Cookies and other tracking systems operated by third parties through the services used within this website cannot be technically controlled by the data controller, any specific reference to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative.

NB By configuring the preferences of the browser used for browsing it is possible to delete ALL Cookies installed in the past, including Cookies installed by this site previously. Furthermore, it is possible to set up navigation without saving any cookies. However, it should be noted that by disabling all Cookies, the functioning of this website may be compromised.